After we met up and started fishing for a while the fishing has started to shut down as soon as the power boaters started hitting the water. I looked up only to find Shaun had disappeared and started to paddle to look for him. When I pulled around a point I noticed him walking back with some tools to start working on his rudder. While he was working on his boat I was able to stretch my legs and take a few shots of my kayak.
After we got everything back to normal and a quick bite to eat we hit the water hard. As we fished our way to the new spot a few miles up the lake we unfortunately couldn't find any bait fish which in turn we didn't find any fish. We decided it was time to hit up the main lake points and then if all else falls we would see if the fish have started their migration to the backs of the creeks/ coves. As we started back to hit the first point on the list a bass boat speeds past us and beats us to it. I paddled around and started fishing a rock pile not 50 yards past them, Shaun started to fish the points on the other side of me. I managed to pull three bass up to 14" off the rocks and Shaun left empty handed.
As the morning turned to afternoon we paddled a couple of miles over to Twin Coves area of the lake. I started out in the timber and Shaun went the other direction to the boat docks. After an hour of fishing the timber I hooked up with a nice bass on my football jig and started working my way to the back of the arm. I lost sight of Shaun and later found out he was able to pick up three smaller fish on a wacky rig drop shot. We made it all the way to the back of the cove in just a foot of water and started catching a few fish. I think we pulled 5 fish between the two of us with a 3lber coming unbuttoned for Shaun. When that pattern slowed down it was time to hit the main lake points again.
Well we didn't kill them that day. It did prove to me that it would be worth spending some time getting to know that area more.